Watch what you say (on social media) the banks are listening

Something that has been a trend for quite some time is that various people are looking at your social media, not with a view to laughing at a funny picture, but as a way to helping them make a commercial decision.

The employers looking at facebook and the like is well known, but what a lot of people don’t realise is that if you apply for a loan more often than not the bank is going to check you out on various social media platforms.

The most common is linked in. While a bank can verify your work history to the extent that your current employer provides it on a salary cert (duration of tenure, pay etc.) it tells them almost nothing about your past work history on how you got to that point in your life.

So if you have big gaps where you have no explanation it could sway a decision, if you mention how you always wanted to leave the corporate world and work for charity it could sway a decision and if you spent your career …

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