Lots of people say money complicates things. Well, it may be true in some situations but being transparent about your significant other and money is important. Over the years you will attract what you are worth and what you put out there. How you act to others is a direct effect of how others will view you, this is not only for significant others but friends, family, etc. You worried you are with the wrong person or attracting the wrong people you might need to start reevaluating yourself.
Speak to your partners. Do you like saving money? Do you like investing? Do you like getting good deals? Communication is key. Being on the same page with each other is important to know each other’s values. By doing so, as partners you can start compromising to avoid unsaid annoyances. Letting each other know right from the beginning shows exactly who you are and who they are. It makes it easy to find someone like you or believes in the same things as you.
Money may be a taboo topic. Having conversations …