Lynn, he'll make you go Hungry in Hungary

Michael Lynn hit the press again as new allegations and issues arose in Hungary where a development owned by him has ceased construction and there are fears that many innocent parties in Ireland have lost huge amounts of personal savings, some of which is probably SSIA’s.

I wrote in a previous article that if he had any sense he would sell off foreign assets or the companies behind them and keep liquid only those out of European jurisdiction, I think the guy must read my blog, he’s been doing all of it exactly as its written. On November 30th he sold the company to a Cypriot business.

This could be a way of ensuring that his foreign empire is not touched because if the Cyprus business is owned/operated by a friend then he could still maintain effective control without ever having to be in Hungary or anywhere else, the conversation would be along the lines of ‘if you help me you get 40% of the profit, just tell the cops to get stuffed and sell the units asap’.

There is …

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Lynn, he’ll make you go Hungry in Hungary

Michael Lynn hit the press again as new allegations and issues arose in Hungary where a development owned by him has ceased construction and there are fears that many innocent parties in Ireland have lost huge amounts of personal savings, some of which is probably SSIA’s.

I wrote in a previous article that if he had any sense he would sell off foreign assets or the companies behind them and keep liquid only those out of European jurisdiction, I think the guy must read my blog, he’s been doing all of it exactly as its written. On November 30th he sold the company to a Cypriot business.

This could be a way of ensuring that his foreign empire is not touched because if the Cyprus business is owned/operated by a friend then he could still maintain effective control without ever having to be in Hungary or anywhere else, the conversation would be along the lines of ‘if you help me you get 40% of the profit, just tell the cops to get stuffed and sell the units asap’.

There is …

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You Can't catch me, I'm the Lynngerbread Man

Banks Chase Lynn’s Foreign Assets. I want to start by saying this is a classic example of throwing good money after bad if you ask me (not that anybody sought my opinion or anything).

Why? There are a few things to consider, and first and foremost I would say that currently banks need to concentrate on getting profitable and doing what they do best which is make money, because there is a financial sector crisis going on and initiating litigation abroad will simply dilute their efforts and get them in the papers for all the wrong reasons. what does a shareholder or mortgage holder from one of these institutions think when their bank is only mentioned in the press because they got ripped off? Its a PR nightmare, damned if you do damned if you don’t.

They are (apparently) chasing properties in Luxembourg, Portugal and Bulgaria. The latter country being a hotbed of corruption. I know a Dublin based solicitor who won a family law case awarding custody to the mother (based in Ireland) from the father (who had …

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You Can’t catch me, I’m the Lynngerbread Man

Banks Chase Lynn’s Foreign Assets. I want to start by saying this is a classic example of throwing good money after bad if you ask me (not that anybody sought my opinion or anything).

Why? There are a few things to consider, and first and foremost I would say that currently banks need to concentrate on getting profitable and doing what they do best which is make money, because there is a financial sector crisis going on and initiating litigation abroad will simply dilute their efforts and get them in the papers for all the wrong reasons. what does a shareholder or mortgage holder from one of these institutions think when their bank is only mentioned in the press because they got ripped off? Its a PR nightmare, damned if you do damned if you don’t.

They are (apparently) chasing properties in Luxembourg, Portugal and Bulgaria. The latter country being a hotbed of corruption. I know a Dublin based solicitor who won a family law case awarding custody to the mother (based in Ireland) from the father (who had …

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Mortgage Fraud. A story of collusion and a closer look at Thomas Byrne and Michael Lynn

Michael Lynn is making headlines, for ripping off the banks, to the tune of fifty million euro! yes, thats €50,000,000!!! What an astronomical rip-off! Not even the Northern Bank robbers got away with that much, and more to the point Michael Lynn will either not face jail, or go to an open prison or some other shamble that is meant to represent ‘imprisonment’. The fact is that crime does actually pay, especially white collar crime.

I have to say ‘hats off’ to Mr. Lynn though… I mean, how the hell did he pull that off? My first suspicion is that part of the way he did it was bank greed, I know what most people have to go through in order to secure finance, there is no way of lying your way through it, however, some people are ‘special’ clients, and I don’t mean they catch a short bus. They get treated differently, endless lines of credit, think Nick Leeson, think Barings Bank (although he was a trader not a borrower).

Now we hear that Michael Lynn is a fugitive. …

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