This is a statement sent out from the IPOA, it makes a lot of very valid points and also raises the spectre of cost-push inflation in rental costs. Nobody stands to gain from the current increase in rental costs, not the tenant, not the landlord who is using the increase to set off higher costs from taxes and other state imposed costs and certainly not the people who manage or live in rented property. The only beneficiary of this is the exchequer.
It has been reported that rental rates in some parts of the country are increasing, but that is hardly surprising given the enormous direct and indirect taxation levied on landlords.
The landlords’ national representative body, the Irish Property Owners Association (IPOA), invented a new verb to describe the situation – to “taxsault”. And they said that is precisely what is happening now. “Private landlords cannot be expected to subsidise the rising costs of letting,” said the IPOA’s Margaret McCormick. “They have to cover their costs including heavy mortgages, try to earn a sustainable income and pay their taxes, …