Brexit slows hiring

Brexit. Are you tired of this word yet? It is all that seems to be on the news, on your local newspaper headlines, and on any form of social media platform you can think of. If it seems to be encroaching on every aspect of your life, that is most likely because it is. 

Although a nuisance, it is not without good reason that this topic is everywhere. However far in the future this EU split may be, there are plenty of precautions being taken here and now that must be taken note of by economists and citizens alike. 

As of late, there have been significant changes in the job market for some particular hiring sectors. An index by notes that in the three months preceding July, there was a 4pc decrease in job postings as a hiring sector wide statistic. 

Some of the largest reductions in possible hirings come from firms that are operating in the accounting, financial services, and pharma sector. These three all have come to the conclusion that their particular category may be more hardly …

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