Pat Kenny had Irish Mortgage Brokers on the show to discuss NAMA, their role in building new housing and to consider some of the positives and negatives of this approach.
Karl Deeter Mentioned in the Press
You can find an article at this link which mentions Karl Deeter, apart of Irish Mortgage Brokers – Bank accused of ‘gouging’ loyal customers cuts its fixed rates on June 15 2017. Article by Charlie Weston in the Independent.
Permanent TSB, a state-rescued bank, has been increasingly cutting fixed rates in response to being accused of manipulating their clients. The bank has lowered it’s two-year fixed mortgages from 7.25% to 4.20% and three-year fixed mortgages from 8.75% to 4.20%. They have almost halved both of their fixed rate mortgages but the variable rate at the bank has remained the same.
The Central Bank has noticed an increase of fixed variable rates compared to variable for both new borrowers and existing ones. Therefore, banks have been reducing fixed rates to increase competition amongst other banks. This will prevent clients to switching to other banks for better deals.
The bank also extended a 2% cashback on all new mortgage drawdowns, supposed to end this month but got extended to the end of the year.
Karl Deeter was mentioned accusing the bank …
Irish Times mention Irish Mortgage Brokers, 9th May 2017
We were mentioned by the Irish Times in a piece about mortgage arrears. It was in conjunction with a talk given to the Housing Agency on mortgage arrears. It quoted part of the talk we gave…
Financial adviser Karl Deeter told the conference his research puts the non-engagement rate at closer to 80 per cent.
Mr Deeter said the courts are “predisposed” towards borrowers, and that people are given many chances before they lose their homes.
“There’s three magic rules if you want to lose your home: pay zero for a long period of time, don’t engage with your lender – and then don’t show up to court,” he said.
“These three inputs were central to virtually every case of possession we saw.”
Mr Deeter said that according to his research, more than 90 per cent of distressed borrowers who engaged with their lender were able to work out some sort of deal to avoid repossession.
RTE History show features Irish Mortgage Brokers
We were really pleased to take part in a piece on RTE Radio 1’s ‘History Show with Myles Dungan’. The topic was historic property cycles and how the most recent crash was big news to most of us, but was far from the most enduring (which lasted about a century).
Karl Deeter of Irish Mortgage Brokers was on with Frank Quinn from the Blackrock Further Education Institute, the piece was based on their paper which had been presented to the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland last October (David Duffy formerly of the ESRI and now of Property Ireland was also an author on the technical paper).
Today FM ‘Last Word’ speaks to Irish Mortgage Brokers, 27th April 2017
Matt Cooper had several guests in to discuss the new proposal for 800 sites owned by the government to be released in order to provide new housing.
There was Jim Bainam from the Department of Housing, Karl Deeter from Irish Mortgage Brokers and Sinn Fein TD Eoin O’Brionn.
There were differences of opinion in terms of the ‘how’ regarding the sites, in terms of ‘how they are delivered’ via housing bodies, local authorities or privately, but all of the panellists were positive about a move to increase housing supply.
The main thing to remember in our view, is that it doesn’t really matter who builds what because the local authority remain the tax authority on all housing so they can get the housing with no capital outlay and then capture the property tax in future years if a private developer does it. mention Irish Mortgage Brokers
We were mentioned in the Independent today in a story relating to the Central Bank, it hinged upon the fact that they had a ‘whistleblower’ line for people wanting to report financial wrongdoing and it wasn’t operating correctly which means they couldn’t take a call.
The story quoted us as follows: Compliance officer with Irish Mortgage Brokers Karl Deeter said it was not good enough that the whistleblower phone line was not being answered and emails not getting a response.
“Imagine if you called 999 to report a crime and no one answered. What would you think of our police service?” he said. A Central Bank spokesman claimed the problem had been rectified after the situation was raised with it by the Irish Independent.
Generation Rent? Try generation Broke
It bothers me when people promote long-term renting as a better choice than home ownership because it belies some basic facts.
When I was studying accounting, I was taught to be accurate. When I was learning about financial advice, I was taught to be prudent. Yet both of these concerns are often cast aside when debating the benefits of buying versus renting.
Nationally we are at an important juncture. It’s acknowledged that huge numbers of people won’t be able to afford to buy a home. If this proves to be true, many will also be locked out of one of life’s most wealth-creating activities.
The first problem is the nature of the comparison. If rent is €1,300 a month and a mortgage costs €1,500, then it’s cheaper to rent, right? Well . . . no it isn’t. The outlay is less, but the actual cost of the provision of occupancy is the rent versus the interest portion of the mortgage, not the entire payment. I will explain that point.
People often say rent is dead money. To be fair, so …
Newstalk: Karl Deeter on the Pat Kenny show discussing pensions
The Pat Kenny Show on Newstalk had us on to talk about the future of pensions and to help people understand some of the looming issues in the retirement space.
It is a complex problem which is affected by everything from home-ownership to central bank interest rates. The main thing to take from it is that everybody who can start a pension, no matter how small, should do so. One of the biggest issues is the fact that people don’t even have one they can contribute to.
Central Bank whistle-blower line unmanned
We were asked to comment on a finding by Charlie Weston in the Independent about the fact that the private disclosure (or ‘whistle-blower’) lines in the Central Bank don’t work. After the newspaper highlighted this they took action, but we were not impressed that this was only found out through the work of a journalist.
The comment we offered was very clear (below).
Compliance officer with Irish Mortgage Brokers Karl Deeter said it was not good enough that the whistleblower phone line was not being answered and emails not getting a response. “Imagine if you called 999 to report a crime and no-one answered. What would you think of our police service?”
The Irish ‘Trump walls’ we don’t discuss
Commentators in Ireland love looking down on Americans, even more so since Donald Trump beat establishment insider Hillary Clinton.
They seem unable to stop labelling and name calling ‘the deplorables’, while forgetting that acceptance and tolerance used to be their moral high ground. As an American in Ireland, this makes me think about the po-faced hypocrisy of it all.
“He said build a wall,” I hear people cry, as if that alone is the acid test of an entire nation’s future. It’s true, he said some mean things; he didn’t use the language we like and accept. So here are a few home truths about our own great Irish walls – the ones that are far more acceptable than Trump’s because they aren’t referred to directly.
Many of them are invisible, which makes them seem okay, but in reality the outcome is the same. They just don’t sound so Six-Hirb’ish (that’s sexist, ignorant, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, racist and bigoted).
We don’t have Mexicans in Ireland, but we do have other minorities such as Travellers, who we build walls to stop. …