Many Misconceptions about the current ranking of the Irish economy in comparison to other EU countries

A reading using these statistics is not fully accurate simply due to the fact that the statistical distortion created by multinational companies in Ireland sway these numbers. This includes the large activity of transferring the depreciation of intellectual property. AAlso the large number of leasing companies that have moved their headquarters to Ireland in the recent years. The latest GDP statists that have been published internationally show that Ireland’s per capita GDP comes in 5th place out of the 182 countries, and Ireland is first in all of Europe. While these large profits are within the Ireland borders, the majority of these profits are being funnelled by foreign multinational companies that in turn use their profits elsewhere.

In fact, using these skewed statistics like GDP can mislead data in other matters, such as debt, inequality, and worker laws. The GNI statistics is an alternative measure to the GDP, however, it is also affected by the large number of multinational companies located in Ireland and is not a clear representation of the average Irish citizen’s financial situation.

When we look at …

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How to be an ethical investor

First, it is so hard now even before the pandemic to avoid the issues of human rights violation, climate change, corporate abuse, and much more. Sometimes even donating to organizations it is hard to feel those impacts. It causes us to feel crushed by all the problems happening around us and ignore them altogether. But have you taken a deeper look into your investment portfolio? You might ask yourself, is my money-making things better or worse? How can I only donate, but help myself and others in a sustainable way?

Of course, our intentions for investing are obviously to grow our money’s worth for the long or the short term, but on the flip side, the cost of the profits for the company might be quite damaging to not only us but to others. Although you are using your money for good intentions does the thing you are investing in believe in the same morals and principles as you are? Do you continue to take part in this system pretending nothing is happening or is there a better way to …

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What does Ireland truly stand economically compared to other European powers? (pt. 3)

Another form of measurement used when accessing the healthiness and prosperity of a country is the state of its citizens. In this case, a national indicator of household welfare is known as “actual individual consumption” or AIC. This measurement is also a part of the GDP, where it takes into account the consumption of households on services such as healthcare, education, and housing. What AIC does not take into account is the collective government spending such as defence, policing, debt services etc…

Internationally, AIC includes about 2/3 of all GDP. AIC seems to be the best fit measurement of current living standards of households, which can also e adjusted for price differentials across different countries. Ireland currently ranks less high on this measure than compared to others. Ireland’s AIC rank in the European Union has jumped around quite a bit. At 11th place in the 1990’s up to 6th in 20078. But then afterwards it fell to 14th place in 2009 and returned up to 12th place by 2019. Using this measurement, Ireland actually falls behind all six of the …

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What does Ireland truly stand economically compared to other European powers? (pt. 2)

Much of what the general public and media base their assumptions on a country’s current standings goes with the profits being reported by foreign multinational corporations that reside in that country. These multinational corporations (MNC’s) have tended to flatter Irish’s GDP growth. Since most of these profits are beneficial to foreign parents instead of the Ireland economy, they do not affect international measurements such as GNI. But in recent years, actions taken by these firms have seen effect to not only GNI but GDP as well.

The differences are now that the large capital assets owned by these MNCs are now operating in Ireland. And these Intellectual property assets are often owned by information technology companies. This asset from abroad contribute to GDP not because of the act of acquisition itself, but once these assets are acquired. The deprecation of the asset and land in Ireland affect the statistics. The deprecation of these assets must be included in the GDP and GNI, as that is what the “G” stands for.

In 2015, many of these large MNCs decided to move …

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What does Ireland truly stand economically compared to other European powers? (pt. 1)

Ireland may not seem to one of the most powerful countries in Europe, but there are also many misleading statistics that surround the State. This leads to a misconception of what the residents of the country truly experience and how life in Ireland plays out. Statistics such as per capita GDP, the Human Development Index, and GDP per head are skewed because of international relations within Ireland. Many times people look at one of the previously mentioned statistics and assume everything about a country on that one number. But you cannot presume that off of one indicator. Multiple accounts and indicators will have to be taken into account when determining the overall status and standing of a country.

Looking at Ireland, many individuals are inclined to believe that the numbers do not show the country as prosperous, but if the small city-state of Luxembourg was taken out of the GDP, Ireland would have the highest GDP per head in all of Europe. When looking at the composite representation of a country, GDP and GNI may not be enough to have …

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Who is buying houses in Ireland for cash? A look at cash buyers in 2021

With fewer homes entering the housing market, and a large amount of demand that is being unmet due to that, the Irish government incentives like “Help to Buy” have only just started to affect rising forecasted housing prices in 2021. But even so, there has been little effect in the market by people that are known as “cash buyers”.

Cash Buyers may not be the people that first come to mind. They’re not exactly the people that pay upfront the entire mortgage, because let’s be realistic, who has ever done that? Cash buyers are investors, and their acquisitions are mostly funded by debt in terms of purchasing power. This is where they get the name “cash buyers” from. Despite the pandemic in 2020, these cash buyers were still highly active in the market. Statistics show that over 1.75 billion euro were invested by investors from European property firms like the LRC. While, it was still down from 2019 when it was pre-pandemic times, where the overall investment was 2.5 billion euro, there was still a significant amount of money being …

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Industry in Wesel, Germany

Wesel is a city in Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia with about sixty thousand people. There are some different types of industrial companies. One type is the chemical industry which is strongly represented in Wesel with the bigger companies like Altana Chemistry, BYK Chemistry, the LGC Standards and Oxoid. The Altana Chemistry was created in 1977 and has about six thousand five hundred employees now and makes a turnover of more than 2.3 billion euros.

The BYK Chemistry is a big company too and employs worldwide more than two thousand three hundred employers, thereof about nine hundred in Wesel. They make a turnover of more than one billion euros per year, so they are a bit smaller than the Altana Chemistry. Both companies are important for the inhabitants, because they need many of them as employees.

One more company in Wesel of a different type is Geberit, a well-known manufacturer of sanitary ceramics. They have six locations in Germany. They produce their products since more than hundred years currently with three hundred employees at the location in Wesel. The company produce about …

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Newstalk interviews Karl Deeter about getting the country back to work

In an interview that drew a massive listener reaction, Pat Kenny interviewed Karl Deeter about the reasons he believes we need to get people back to work sooner rather than later. We would stress the point that this isn’t implied as doing so in a reckless manner, hand hygiene, distancing and other protocols already being followed in shops and essential services jobs would be required. Dr. Sam McConkey was also on to critique his view. The debate was well rounded and respectful, you can listen to the clip below.

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Making housing more affordable

This paper was written by Karl Deeter and covers many different aspects of housing in Ireland. It was written last year so there are parts of it that are not as current as we’d like it to be. Publishing was delayed for various reasons, but we hope that it provides a good background on the many facets of housing delivery in Ireland where some changes could make a difference to delivery.

The bad news is that there isn’t any one ‘grand idea’, the good news is that smaller changes across different areas of housing could help to provide a more steady stream of affordable homes in the future.

The working report  Making housing affordable in Ireland is in the link, there are still final views, corrections and critiques to consider, but it should give the reader a good insight into housing problems and housing solutions in Ireland today.

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