The population in the different parts of Wesel, Germany

Wesel is a city in the western part of North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany with an area of 122,56 square kilometers. The city is divided into five city districts: Wesel, Flüren, Obrighoven-Lackhausen, Bislich and Büderich. In Wesel live about 500 people per square kilometer.

All the five districts have different places of residence. The district Wesel has the most places of residence. Their names are Altstadt, Feldmark, Blumenkamp, Fusternberg, Schepersfeld and Lippedorf. Flüren has only one place of residence with the same name Flüren. The district Obrighoven-Lackhausen is divided in the three places of residence named Lackhausen, Obrighoven and Wittenberg. Bislich has four places of residence – Bislich-Land, Bergerfurth, Bislich-Ortskern and Diersfordt. Büderich is divided in three places of residence named Werrich/Perrich, Ginderich and Büderich.

The district Wesel has an area of 26,08 square kilometers and a population of 38.300 people (1.468,6 people per square kilometer).
Flüren is the smallest district with 9,15 square kilometers but has a population of 4.792 people (523,7 people per square kilometer). The other districts are bigger than Flüren.
The district Obrighoven-Lackhausen has an area of 26,79 square kilometers and a population of 11.026 people (411,6 people per square kilometer).
Bislich is the biggest of the five districts. It has an area of 36,53 square kilometers and a population of 2.560 people (but only 70,1 people per square kilometer).
The last district of the five is Büderich, it has an area of 24 square kilometers and a population of 5.823 people (242,6 people per square kilometer).


In total Wesel currently has 62.501 inhabitants including 48,9 percent men and 51,1 percent women. The most people in Wesel (90,2 percent) are from Germany and only 9,8 percent of the inhabitants are from other countries.

11.844 inhabitants of Wesel are under 20 years old, during the most inhabitants (50.657 people) are older than 20 years. That is a big difference between the two groups of the population in Wesel, which means that the city has more old than young people.

Since 1945 the population in Wesel grew the number very fast after the second world war, but since 1985 there is no big change in the population. The numbers of inhabitants are falling slowly and the forecast shows that the number of population could fall about five thousand by the year 2040, because of not enough births and too many deaths.


My name is Xenia, I am from Germany and I am an intern at the Irish Mortgage Brokers.

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