The houses that are for sale in Emsdetten are mostly provided by real estate agents or banks. Flats are rather provided by real estate agents than by private people as well. Buying or renting a house or flat is quite expensive in comparison to other towns in the surrounding. I did a research to find out how much flats in Emsdetten cost. When people look for flats with two bedrooms which are provided by real estate agents or banks, the prices are between €608-€825 per month. The price depends on where the flat is located, how old it is and how many square meters it measures. Three bedroom flats cost €680-€800 per month. The price for a two bedroom flat provided by private people is €760-€850. Flats with three bedrooms cost €860 per month.
The prices for flats are more expensive than in other towns because the demand is very high. When looking for flats on websites like “”, which is very popular in Germany, there are many people that are looking for flats in Emsdetten. So when a flat …