Privately owned housing in Emsdetten

The houses that are for sale in Emsdetten are mostly provided by real estate agents or banks. Flats are rather provided by real estate agents than by private people as well. Buying or renting a house or flat is quite expensive in comparison to other towns in the surrounding. I did a research to find out how much flats in Emsdetten cost. When people look for flats with two bedrooms which are provided by real estate agents or banks, the prices are between €608-€825 per month. The price depends on where the flat is located, how old it is and how many square meters it measures. Three bedroom flats cost €680-€800 per month. The price for a two bedroom flat provided by private people is €760-€850. Flats with three bedrooms cost €860 per month.

The prices for flats are more expensive than in other towns because the demand is very high. When looking for flats on websites like “”, which is very popular in Germany, there are many people that are looking for flats in Emsdetten. So when a flat …

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How to get a mortgage in Germany

The rights to a real estate property that are held by the person who owns the property (house, land, apartment etc.) are given to a bank in order to receive other benefits in return. These benefits are usually cash benefits. The mortgage is used in banking as security for loans. The possible amount of the mortgage is determined by the value of the property. Mortgages can be given by banks. In case people need help regarding mortgages there are different branches that can help. Mortgage brokers help people to arrange the mortgage between the borrower and lender and a real estate agent helps buyers and sellers find or sell a property. Getting a mortgage has several advantages such as that the interest rates are generally lower than for other types of borrowing and that a mortgage is easy to repay due to it is repaid little by little on a monthly basis. But a mortgage can also be disadvantageous because the interest rates on mortgages are changing from time to time and can increase suddenly o the borrower has to pay …

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Apartments and their prices in Emsdetten

The town Emsdetten provides houses and flats either for rent or to buy them. To find them, it just needs some clicks on your computer or your cell phone because the best offers can be found on the internet. Though the internet is a convenient and fast opportunity to find an apartment, there are other opportunities such as the banks, estate agents or reading through the newspaper. In Emsdetten there are provided many different kinds of apartments, for example small flats, villas or multiple-family houses. But what can be said based on a research is that the provided houses in Emsdetten are rather old buildings than new buildings. Emsdetten has many beautiful places, for example near the river Ems so you have a view on the river. The town also has many parts that are good for families because they are quiet. For example a part of town that is called Austum where do live quite many families with children. The area is quite, has a park near it and also a kindergarten. Emsdetten has many areas like that. Regarding …

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How to live in subsidized housing and the rules

In Emsdetten, a town with about inhabitants, people have the opportunity to apply for living in subsidized housing. But how does it work, how do people apply for it and under which conditions do people have to live to make use of it? To make use of subsidized housing people need a certificate of eligibility for a council flat (in German: Wohnberechtigungsschein). To get this certificate, people have to meet several conditions. In a single household the net income must not exceed 1.800€. When two people live together their net income combined has to be under 2.700€. When parents live with one child the net income including child benefit must not exceed 3.340€. The more children a family has, the higher the number becomes. Not only families or people of a certain age can apply for the certificate. Pensioners whose income is too low, young people who study or are trainees, disabled people and single parents are able to apply for the certificate as well. That means that not only people that do not earn enough money can apply …

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Subsidized housing in Emsdetten

Emsdetten is a town in the district of Steinfurt, in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It has about 36.000 inhabitants. Even though the town has many companies that provide work places, 3.7 percent – which are 1.332 people – of the population are unemployed, and the number has increased since September 2019. Furthermore, many people work in jobs where their income is not enough to pay for their rent and to care for themselves. Regarding to that, there are people that need to apply for subsidized housing. As the city hall of Emsdetten says, more than half of the inhabitants have applied for subsidized housing and do need it. Why do people apply for subsidized housing? When people are not able to take care of themselves – maybe their children as well – and to pay for their rent due to their low income, they need help from the government so that they have the ability to care for them and their families. Therefore towns provide social housings that are either built for low-income people or that have a low rent so people …

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