Irish Mortgage Brokers Oireachtas appearance discussed on RTE Radio 1

Our appearance at the Oireachtas finance committee was discussed on RTE Radio 1 on the day, it was about the proposal for mortgage lending caps. The meeting in question took about three hours but the clip the journalist chose was a very good reflection of our general position.

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Landlord statistics are wrong…. depending on how you read them!

I had a wonderful debate today on Newstalk where we discussed the rental market, Threshold sent in their Chairperson Aideen Hayden. The debate was very informed, in particular Aideen was very sharp in the area of tenancy laws, I learned a lot during this interview.

Naturally there are always a few corrections – she corrected me twice; once on sub-letting and again on a statistic that I took from the PRTB annual report (going so far as to mention that she is on the board of the PRTB and that therefore I was wrong).

Alas, I have to offer a correction in return to a PRTB board member & chairperson of Threshold who is currently undergoing her PhD in Housing and who has a degree in Economics (all of these things were mentioned to me in backing up her argument [on and off air]); see the graph below – taken from page 33 …

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